My Favorite File Transfer Apps

One of the big issues I have in working with 650 students is getting their creative work from the iPad and onto my computer or their computer so that it can be shared with others. One of the things I love to do is to take their work and create a video to share their work with their teacher, parents, and the world. I’ve found this to be challenging, therefore, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find the right app for the task. Here are my top 4 (in no particular order).

1. Chirp:

mzl.anasgvewI love this app for little ones because they don’t have to type anything, which can delay the process when time is scarce. Both teacher and student must have chirp opened, and they add a photo and through sound waves, the photo is transferred to your device! How cool is that! Chirp is an iPhone app, but can be used on the iPad as well. Chirp is a free app.



2. Desk Connect:


I really like this app for a couple of reasons. You can not only transfer photos, but you can also have students open to a particular website and it opens right to the URL that you sent. I also like how you can transfer from a computer to your device as well as from your device to a computer. Desk Connect is a free app.



3. Good Reader:

GoodReader_LogoI like Good Reader for file transfer because unlike the first two mentioned, it transfers images and video. There is some workaround, which makes it harder (actually very hard) for K-2 but is a nice solution for file transfer. This works well in transferring images and video from iPad to computer. Good Reader is $4.99 (but is very useful for MANY other things other than file transfer).



4. Photo and Video Transfer Over Wifi:

591923366x356This one is hands down my favorite! And, it is FREE today 1/30/14! This app allows for photo and video transfer and it is so easy, but youngest students can handle it. If transferring from iPad to computer, you just select the photo or video from the camera roll and on the computer type in an IP address and viola! You can then download it to that computer. Photo and Video Transfer Over Wifi is $2.99.